BUHN Partners

The collaboration between the Swedish government and UNICEF is an effort to support the network's goals and assure its success.

As a financing partner, the Swedish government contributes financial resources to the network to assist it in achieving its objectives of enhancing public health in Bangladesh's urban regions. The funding helps to maintain and extend the network's activities, including research, lobbying, and community involvement initiatives.

As a partner in technical assistance, UNICEF offers the network its knowledge and help. Support may include recommendations on best practices, technical training, and other forms of assistance designed to assist the network in developing its programs and initiatives. The technical assistance provided by UNICEF can aid the network in enhancing its overall efficiency and impact.

The relationship between the Swedish government and UNICEF is vital to the development of the Bangladesh Urban Health Network. By collaboration, the network may use the capabilities and resources of each partner to provide a more complete and effective response to the public health concerns faced by urban people in Bangladesh.