
In order to monitor the state of urban health, accountability must be a central component of any effort to bring about a shift in policy or program. Accountability, as defined above, is a recursive process that allows for the tracking of commitments, resources, and outcomes, and yields insights into what works and why, what can be improved, and what deserves further attention. Accountability guarantees that all persons at risk for urban health problems have their health needs met and their rights realized by placing them at the center of relevant initiatives.

For measuring results, we need strong monitoring of urban health issues at the country level. Monitoring and reviewing can't only happen on a global scale. We won't know if Bangladesh is making good progress or not until we have data and thorough analyses of its progress. It will also help us figure out which interventions work and which don't. To do this, it's important that the government sets national urban health goals based on each city's needs and that progress toward these goals is regularly reported.